i am the wild

Original Character
penned by Ko


Welcome to the storm, I am thunder.

Name Aubrey Vogel
Birthday October 31st
Zodiac Scorpio
Age 620
Species Vampire
Hair & Eye Color Paper White & Ink Black
Height 156cm in heels, 144cm out of heels
Scars? A large stab wound and burn mark on the stomach (covered by make up), a thin shoulder scar on the right shoulder (covered by clothing), various tiny burn marks covered by make up across the legs
Dormitory Pomefiore
School Night Raven College
Alignment & MBTI Lawful Evil veering on True Neutral & ISTJ

Gender Male
Pronouns He/She/They
Fashion Sense called Dead Victorian by Mal, very gender fluid in clothing choices
Personality Traits Can come off as bossy and pushy at times. Is genuinely caring deep down. Holds up a big front of not needing anyone, despite needing to rely on so many others. A romantic at heart despite too many abuses to his own heart. Smarter than he looks, and disarmingly lovely. Has good advice, but gives it in a rather tough-love, no punches pulled way if necessary.

Nicknames the Vogel Bitch, Wicked Aubrey, Aubrey the Unholy, the Fae Devourer, Aubie (from Clara), the Bagel Bitch (from Nehru Ghoshal), Petit Oiseau (from Rook Hunt), Little Meow Meow (from Diana Dahl)
Homeland Queendom of Roses
Year Third Year
Club Board Game Club
Handedness Ambidextrous
Class 3-D
Best Subject Poison Making
Worst Subject Defense Magic
Favorite Food Fae blood
Least Favorite Food Cooked/Uncooked meat
Likes Fashion
Dislikes People prying into his secrets
Special Talent Can discern people from the sound of their footsteps alone

Family Dietfried Vogel (father), Ilona Vogel (mother), Flora Vogel (sister), Edmund Vogel (brother), Freya Vogel (sister), Clara Vogel (sister)


Give me back my heart, you wingless thing.

Biography Born to Ilona and Dietfried Vogel as their eldest, and first child, that Halloween Aubrey became their blessing. From a young age he was always a special child, enjoying the sunrise instead of the sunset. He was constantly injured as a small child due to his proclivity to try and bask in the sunlight, leading to plenty of burns and harsh lessons on going out unprotected.Despite the busy nature of his parents, he always loved them dearly, often trying his best to make them proud with his studies. But Aubrey was raised by maids and servants of the Vogel clan; human mortals sworn into secrecy through generational magic to help care for the clan and ensure needs are met in times of stress or desperation.Upon the eve of his first century of life, Aubrey found his preference of blood to be fae. Upon the discovery of this, his parents became worried for their darling son. To have such an innocent species as his preferred prey was never a good thing. But they did all they could to support him from behind the scenes, as good parents are supposed to. After all, he is their heir.But a sect of people wanted to get rid of the Vogels; starting with their son. The sunshine prince that the staff loved was easily wooed by a young man, dragged into a whirlwind romance that felt as loving as a storm of petals and yet as quick as a summer thundershower. A wedding date was set quickly, with the young man insisting on getting married early.But it was not a wedding for love.
It was a plot to destroy the son of the Vogels.
Aubrey was deeply hurt by this; and his first time in raising hands against mortals in a violent way was as a result of the discovery of the plot. He returned home that night, covered in blood, in complete hysterics. His parents hid his crimes from the populace; and comforted their son, tending to his first broken heart.While it scabbed over, the naรฏve little bird inside of him kept reaching out; getting burned. Every time he finally had a friend, it turned out to be some measure to get rid of Aubrey or to harm him. Scar after scar appeared on his heart; some scabbing over, and some simply bleeding into the ether.Finally, Aubrey had had enough; joining the Valley of Thorns in their war. However, he was a solo player, slaying both fae and human alike. Children were his only limits, preferring to save them instead.But yet, the sunshine prince the staff and his family knows remains in the home; his personality unchanging around his family and the staff. They only know Aubrey as their ball of sunshine, the one who loved the sun so much he willingly burnt to try and watch it rise. None of them are aware of the twisted, ugly thing that the world made Aubrey into; a mere ugly, blood covered child hidden behind the delicate, sunshine faรงade of an adult.And he'll do anything to keep it that way. Despite this, his parents are... wary of him. They love him, but from a distance. However; he's blind to this, thinking they love him unconditionally. The truth is... they're afraid. Afraid of him and his vast potential. Afraid that their first born is cursed.


"Remember me," I sing.

Lilia Vanrogue | @Oldman469 | In Love A man Aubrey feels he has no right loving, but loves all the same. Has done everything in his power to atone for what he's done in the past.
Malleus Draconia | @VALLEYPRlNCE | Adoptive Stepmother Has totally adopted Malleus. Fears for when Malleus finds out about his past with the Valley. Truly cares for the prince.
Malicious Draconia | @Malformalicious | Best Friend Fears for her finding out about his past through her missing memories. Deeply cares for her friendship.
Prisma | @FractalPrisma | Partners(?) Both tease each other a lot, but do care for one another. It's unclear what their relationship status is, but they are extremely close in an intimate way.

Valerie | @slaveofmirrors | Little Sister Figure Enjoys her company. Tends to baby her a lot, finding her adorable. Very much treats her like a sister.
Yuri Lockwood | @ofmisfortunes | Partner Beloved human partner. Very much taken care of and spoiled by Aubrey. Puts up with their antics.
Diana Dahl | @THEATRlCALBLAZE | Partner Beloved human partner. Deeply enjoys Diana's company. Also tends to bend to Diana's whims and will if necessary, but takes care of Diana.
Lilia Vanrogue | @SinfulFacade | Lover Teasing is their love language, really. They both love to tease each other. Both do care for one another, however.